About Us

Hi, I'm Lawrence Tan - Founder of HayaiLearn.
2023 was the year I traveled to 10+ countries - Japan, Korea, Thailand, Spain, Italy, and so on.
Each time I tried to learn the local language, I felt it was incredibly tough and unmotivating.
Reading textbooks was incredibly boring and the teaching style felt very outdated.
The language learning apps I tried didn't suit my taste either...
I felt that there was a wide breadth in the features they offered, but a lack of depth in helping me really learn.
My realization after my travels was that before I die (hopefully not soon), I want to learn as many languages as possible.
So, with my over 13+ years of software engineering background, I thought of dedicating my time to building the best website for language learning.
Here's my vision: a language learning app that's as fun as playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Inspired by my trip to Japan, I wanted to focus on building this app for one language first - Japanese.
In my opinion, learning through Youtube is the most fun and effective way to improve Japanese because it gives a good diversity of materials, with varying levels of difficulty, and are most realistic to real world scenarios.
And after working with experts in various fields (Japanese language teachers, UX designers, engineers) and building this for 1+ year...
I’m proud to have built a web-app that surpasses traditional Japanese immersion apps
I truly believe this is currently the best app for immersing in Japanese videos while learning from it.
However! This is just the beginning.
There is still a long roadmap of features and improvements I want to make.
Growing up as an avid gamer myself, I want to incorporate as much gamification elements to the learning platform to motivate users to engage more and really enjoy learning Japanese.
Share Your Experience
I understand your pain and struggle in learning Japanese, and really respect how you're dedicating valuable time of your life in learning this.
If you decide to try out HayaiLearn, I would love to hear your feedback on how we can help improve it to make your learning experience even better.
After all, my ultimate goal is that when you tell people how long it took you to become fluent in Japanese, they'll say:
はやい (hayai)!
So, what are you waiting for?
ようこそ! ⛩️